點我聽Come Holy SpiritCome Holy Spirit, Fall on me now
I need Your annointing come with Your pow'r
I love Holy spirit, Your captivating my soul
In everyday I grow to love You more
I'm reaching for Your heart
You hold my life in your hand
Drawing me closer to you
I feel Your power renew
Noting compares to this place
Where I can see You face to face
I worship You in spirit and in truth
【聖靈請你來】國語歌詞出自約書亞樂團(英文原唱則是 City Harvest Church)
G Em7 C D G Em7 C D
聖靈請你來充滿我心 我需要你恩膏來充滿我靈
C D Bm7 Em7
聖靈啊我好愛你 我的心讓你牽引
而每一天 我要更深愛你
G Em7 C D
我要追求你主 我將生命獻給你 牽引我更親近你 你大能更新我靈
F# B Em7 D A Am7 D G
無人能與你相比 主我仰望你的榮面 我敬拜你 在靈與真理裡